时间:2024-12-03 08:35:07 作者:admin
High School Affiliated to Beijing Institute of Technology
International Exchange Center
Documents needed for newly admitted students
1. 入学申请表格
Admission Application Form
2. 在华事务担保书(附件1)
The notarized letter of guarantee for affairs in China
3. 年满18周岁的学生必须要有体检表
The students over 18 years old must take medical certificate
4. 提供学生本人的学历证明,上一年成绩单
The original copies of student’s transcript and school report of the last year
5. 转学证明
Transfer certificate from the previous school
6. 护照,签证页复印件(各一份)
The student’s passport with photo copies of the first page and the valid visa
7. 需到当地派出所办理临时住宿登记
The Temporary Residence Permit in Beijing
8. 本人1寸照片2张,2寸照片8张(底色为淡蓝色)
Two 1-inch and Eight 2-inch colored photos with blue background
9. 家属关系证明及父母护照复印件
Family relation certificate and copies of parents’ passports
u 学生的监护人必须是以下三类人员
The guardian must meet the following conditions
(1) 北京市户口的北京市民
A permanent Beijing resident with Beijing Hukou
(2) 持有外地户口的中国公民须有一年以上的在京暂住证,身份证复印件
A none permanent Beijing resident residing in Beijing with the over one-year long Temporary Residence
(3) 持有外籍护照必须是有居留许可签证外国人
A foreigner residing in Beijing with the over one-year –long Residence Permit.
Materials required to apply for school status
1. 学生本人有效期内外国护照、居留许可页
Student's valid foreign passport and residence permit
2. 学生学习经历证明材料(如成绩单、毕业证明)
Evidence of students' learning experience (such as transcripts, graduation certificates)
3. 监护人有效证件(外籍人士提供护照,签证;中国人提供身份证)
Valid documents of guardian (passport, visa for foreigners; Chinese provide ID card)
4. 监护人在京居住证明和在京工作证明
The guardian's residence certificate and work certificate in Beijing
5. 其他证明材料(监护人和学生的关系)
Other supporting materials (the relationship between guardian and student)